Thursday, November 01, 2007

Worst Album Covers Ever - Round Four

It's time once again to review some of the worst album covers of all time!

Yes Geraldine, trees talk too... when they are cut down, shaped, polished, painted and dressed like a miniature Evel Knievel from Hell, then forced to perform on an album with you, honey.

Frank, Joe, Carl, and Binky - the four Middle School Principals of the Apocalypse - sing your gospel favorites...

...or a comb? Or sleeves?

Liberace's dumpy cousin performs some of Scotland's unsung pop favorites, like "Haggis, Haggis, Who's Got the Haggis?", "My Favorite Color Is Plaid", and "Drunker Than the Irish".

This album actually contains recordings of Microsoft software engineers after they have been told of the myriad flaws in Windows Vista. When you consider that, the album is not that "amazing", is it?

Check out my previous "Worst Album Covers Ever" posts here, here, and here.