Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Worst Album Covers Ever - Round Three

Surfing the web today, I came across more of the Worst Album Covers of All Time. We'll call this "Round Three". Enjoy!

I just can't wrap (or would it be "rap"?) my brain around this album cover. Is Swamp Dogg a rapper, a DJ, or a behavioral scientist with poor fashion sense and an equally poor moniker?

Lesbian Power Authority: something in between the Chicago Transit Authority and Prince's New Power Generation

Finally, we discover the source of Lyle Lovett's hairstyle! Thanks, Russia!

Fans of this extra-crunchy musical tidbit from Col. Harlan Sanders call it "finger lickin' good!"

This album cover gives new meaning to the phrase "sour cream". Dang! There comes a time when a woman should be discouraged from trying to sell albums by wearing nothing but a dairy product. For the Frivolous Five, that time came and went a while back. This cover is as sexy as botulism.

More to come later!

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