Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas gift worries

It's Christmastime, and once again, I worry about whether or not my niece and nephew will enjoy the presents Wifey and I have purchased for them. The kids are growing so quickly, and they are such clever kids, I wonder if what we got for them isn't up to their standards... Over the weekend, we purchased toys for them that were labelled "appropriate" for their ages. Earlier in the year, while on vacation in Canada, we also bought for them a couple of "thinking" gifts - where you "unearth" some archaeological treasures with tools in blocks of sandstone.

BTW - we got most of our Christmas shopping done over the weekend - something I do not recommend. If you've already finished your shopping, imagine bee-lining to Pier 1, than making your way to the local supermall. We shopped early Sunday morning, assuming that many shoppers would be at church, rather than buying gifts. As it turned out, a lot of other folks thought likewise. We still managed to finish our shopping for relatives, as well as buying a couple of gifts for Wifey. I'm still shopping for a particular set of PJs and slippers for Wifey, and she wants to get me a new computer for Christmas.

1 comment:

droyne said...

Kids are really hard to shop for. If you are around them all of the time, you can get a better idea of what they like but that isn't practical for most of us. Sometimes I try to remember what I enjoyed when I was that age. I have a nephew who I bought some Leggos for several years ago. He didn't like them, and I was sad and dissapointed. A year or so later, he loved them. Now I send gift cards. A bit cheesy, but not too bad.