Monday, March 13, 2006

Seattle Kennel Club Show

Wifey and the WonderPups (Ranma and Baron) competed over the weekend in the annual Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show, held this year at Qwest Field (home of the Seattle Seahawks). The Seattle Kennel Club is the largest AKC (American Kennel Club) group in the state of Washington, and their show is the largest show in the state. As the pictures will show, it was a great weekend for Wifey and the dogs.

Here are the results of the two-day event, as conveyed to me by Wifey:

Ranma - Saturday - new title Excellent Standard - AX & 1st place
- 2nd qualifying run towards her Masters Jumpers title - MXJ & 2 points.
- Sunday - nothing

Baron - Saturday - Double Q #8 & 11 MACH points.
- Sunday - 1 jumpers Q - zero points

The dogs are my radio station’s mascots, and the staff was bursting with pride for what was accomplished over the weekend. I’m very proud of them, too!

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